Al-Farabi Kazakh National University: A Vibrant Institution

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, situated amidst the majestic mountains, is not just a picturesque campus but also a dynamic hub of knowledge and wisdom. Celebrating its 90th anniversary this year, this outstanding institution has been dedicated to providing excellent education and nurturing future leaders and innovators.

As a university with a rich history, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University offers a diverse range of courses covering various fields of study. From humanities and social sciences to natural sciences, from engineering and technology to medicine and arts, the university provides students with ample choices to cater to their interests and career aspirations. Whether pursuing academic advancement or professional skills training, students can find suitable courses here.

Behind this rich tapestry of courses lies a group of dedicated teachers. They are the heart and soul of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, possessing not only solid academic expertise but also earning students’ respect and trust with their dedication and sense of responsibility. Stepping into the classroom, students can feel the enthusiasm and focus of their teachers, who use engaging teaching methods and share their wealth of knowledge to open the doors of wisdom for their students. Whether in classroom lectures or academic guidance, teachers walk alongside students, diligently cultivating their academic proficiency and holistic abilities.

In addition to excellent teaching, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University actively promotes research and innovation. The university has established a series of research institutes and laboratories, providing teachers and students with extensive research platforms. Here, they can conduct cutting-edge scientific research, explore unknown fields, and contribute to the development of the country and society. At the same time, the university collaborates with various sectors to promote industry-academia-research cooperation, translating research achievements into practical productivity and driving sustainable economic development.

Over its 90-year journey, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has adhered to the motto of «Seeking truth, Pursuing excellence, Forging ahead,» making unremitting efforts to cultivate talents and promote social progress. In the future journey, the university will continue to inherit and carry forward its fine traditions, constantly innovating educational concepts and methods, and making greater contributions to cultivating more outstanding talents.

In the campus of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, every inch of land is bathed in the sunlight of knowledge, and every student is taking solid steps on the path of growth. It is not only a hall of learning but also a springboard for dreams. Let us join hands and write a glorious chapter of our own!

Supervisor:Albina Biskultanova Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Constitutional and Administrative Law

Student:Gulehaerxi Azimubieke 1st year undergraduate student of the department of Theory and History of State and Law of Constitutional and Administrative Law